Thursday, December 17, 2009

What Santa Is Bringing RJ

I don't ever really post my projects on here, because I have a whole blog just for all my homemade "cock-a-doodle" as my Dad calls it. But this project for RJ for Christmas turned out so well I thought, I just wanted to basically brag, and refer you to where I got the idea for a fabric potato head and hopefully you'll want to make one too. The potato sack was all my idea, and it's my favorite part.

All kids should have a quiet potato head!


Link to the whole project

Link to potato sack tutorial

Do you think people would buy these? I'm considering some for my etsy shop...but it would be a lot of work, therefore price would have to be higher. What do you think? Cute or creepy?

1 comment:

Ford Fam said...

Super cute! I think you should try selling them, they are unique and original. You are so crafty and creative! I envy that!