Monday, December 21, 2009

My cousin, the artist


My cousin, Stephanie, is an art major at The University of Utah. I commissioned an oil painting from her for my dad. I gave it to him Sat. even though it is for Christmas, so Stephanie could be there when he recieved it.

My Grandpa died last January, and my dad was really close. This is a painting of my Grandpa holding my dad on his knee in 1959. Stephanie is such a talented artist, and did such a perfect job portraying my Grandpa. He was so handsome I think.

My dad loved this gift and said it was like seeing his dad again.

Stephanie just had this black and white photo to use. So she had to add the color. I told her I really wanted their hands in her painting. My Grandpa and my dad have the same huge hands. I was excited when my little guy inheritted the same hammer fist.

This is a photo of my Dad's hand with RJs. The ring was my Grandpa's, it is huge size 12. My dad said when he grows up, RJ gets the ring since he'll be the only one we know of so far with a sausage finger to fit it.

We've been interviewing for the next phase of Rhett's education/ career. RESIDENCY. He's been good to take me to every interview so I can know what our options are. Each place we go to, I end up imagining and planning my life there. So I've been thinking a lot lately about leaving my parent's house where we currently live.

Thinking of moving next June is already kind of sad to me. As much as I hate the feeling of mooching off of my parents, or telling people I live with my parents, it has been really great these two years. We'll miss them. RJ will miss having the grandparents around, especially Grandpa Kelly. He and my dad are close buds. I hope wherever we end up, we'll still be able to visit enough so Scott and little RJ can keep their relationship close over the years. It's quite the blessing to see your kid and your parents enjoying close grandpa/ma bonds. RJ is very blessed to have such loving grandparents on both sides.


jayne said...

I think RJ looks just like your dad as a boy. Love the sausage hands. That is one thing I remember vividly about my grandpa. His huge hands. They are rare. Lucky RJ.

The Wilkins' said...

Awesome painting! Your talk about leaving grandparents makes me cry! I feel sad about the same thing. Hopefully we can stay fairly close as well.

Hope you guys have a great Christmas!

Natalie said...

RJ looks just like your dad--that is crazy!

Mr. Dean R. Kelly said...

Steph did such a GREAT job on this painting. Will be an heirloom in the family forever. The photo however; was taken in 1959 not 1969....Scott was 11 years old in 1969..just thought you'd like to know.

***** said...

Wow! What a fabulous idea for a present and you sure went to the right artist. Incredible. You are such a good daughter. I bet your parents never want you to leave.

Unknown said...

If anyone is interested, we talked to Steff and she is starting a few comissioned portraits. She can do 3-5 a year untill graduation, then more. So if you want to contact her, her link is on Jessica's blog, where you could leave a comment to her.

Jessica the Jacked LDS said...

so are u coming to NC to party with me and summer??????