Thursday, January 7, 2010


Rhett and I went to see Avatar in 3D. He had already seen it in Delta. We were sitting there waiting for the movie to start, and he said: "I think you'll like this Jess. It's about an alien that falls in love with a short guy. Well, she's huge compared to him."
Me: "I'm pretty huge so I will probably like this."
Rhett: "Well she's just like 8 feet tall and super strong--I didn't mean you are huge, she does have long legs though, and the guy actually has these little scrawny legs, and in a wheel chair, so maybe this isn't like us at all."
Me: "Ya. You have ham-hock legs. Definitely not like us at all."
I'd heard it was Dances With Wolves alien version, or Ferngully on steroids. I could see either working, but I really liked it. I'd never seen a movie in 3D and that was cool. I also like action movies, nerdy movies, alien movies. So I would recommend it. It was fun, although describing it as Ferngully on steroids makes it sound lame.

Also, totally off subject, but I think it's humorous that Ryan Howard is experimenting being a hipster lately on The Office. I also thought this Hipster through the decade diagram was funny too (from friend Erin). I've had a lot of different people try to explain what a hipster is, or I've also heard them called "scene kids", and I don't really know what this social stereotype is, but I gather you rebel against trendy, and in so doing become trendy with the other hipsters. Lots of deep v neck shirts on guys and Rambo style feather headbands on girls is what I think of when I hear the word: Hipster. I don't know if Hipsters identify themselves as such, or it's a stereotype they belong to--but would never admit to belonging to. I think someone explained this "self loathing" aspect of the stereotype: it has a lot to do with being unique, so how could you be unique and belong to a stereotype and be just another hipster, so I am definitely NOT a hipster, and I get all confused at who is actually a hipster, so who knows. I guess who cares, really. So sorry about my Hipster rant, I'm still trying to figure them out. What is a hipster to you?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

If you like ferngully, you'll LOVE avatar.