Friday, September 11, 2009

Rhett in Belize

Rhett is in Belize for the next month on a medical rotation. If you want to read about it, here is his blog:

At first it was a disapointment, they wouldn't let him do anything this week, mon-thurs. Then Friday rolled around and they put him in charge of the hospital and said see you Monday, if anything is over your head call this other Dr.

He delivered a baby today and had some patients with the flu, broken arm, etc.
The first night is the funniest to me, so scroll down if you want entertainment more than medical experience.
Rhett hopes international medical missions will be a big part of our family. Take a "vacation" with our older kids and go serve in under served areas once he's a real doctor. Help the people and show our kids they should be grateful they have a toilet and to stop complaining they can't have a touch ipod. Hopefully those future opportunities will work out, and lucky for Rhett I enjoy camping, although after he describes the scorpion/crab spider and rats running around his head and hissing from the jungle, maybe I won't be such a great asset on his future medical missions.
photo from his Dominican Republic medical mission in undergrad in 2005

1 comment:

Elsie said...

Ahhh he is in my favorite country in the entire world!!! That is so great!