Monday, September 21, 2009

I Exercised Today

First off, friends, acquaintances, stalkers, if you are reading this and haven't entered the giveaway, scroll down and leave a comment. It will be open until Thursday.

But I exercised today. I can't remember the last time I exercised. I know for sure I haven't since RJ's been alive, so that's the last 17 months. I know I never exercised while pregnant, and I can't really remember exercising in Kirksville. Wait. I did go on a bike ride the spring of 2007 solely to exercise. So 3 years. I'm coming out with my unhealthful laziness.

I don't like exercising. I enjoy active things--hiking, playing tennis, swimming, running around for night games with kids, etc. But to run just to run? Maybe you already know this, since I laid on the beach while all the other girls jogged along the skyline.

But in any case, I need to exercise. I know that. I just don't care enough I guess to do something I hate. In the past, in high school after I quit dancing, I was really concerned I'd gain a bunch of weight since I wasn't dancing 3-4 hours a day any longer. So I joined the track team, and ended up being a jumper, which requires about 15 steps. I did get better at running during that season, but I don't think I ever ran over 2 miles. Anyway, that was probably the time in my life other than dance when I exercised regularly. I even didn't eat junk, well, as much junk. So all the effort, and nothing happened. So I got too busy and got softer around the edges, but still looked the same pretty much.

I think it has to do with being tall or something. I'm not really thin, just average. But if I work really hard to lose 5-10 pounds no one notices, heck, I barely notice. Where if you're really short, 5-10 pounds makes a big difference. So my weight fluctuates, but it's pretty much the same as when I was trying to exercise all the time as the rest of these 8 years when I've done nothing.

So I'm hoping to be better about exercising, because I could trim up. I have cellulite. I have jiggly parts. I wouldn't mind running up the stairs and not notice my bum jiggle the whole way. So I'm not really setting a weight goal to help motivate me, because I'm pretty sure I'd never reach it, just hoping to tone up a bit.

But also, Rhett and I made a deal. We've realized neither of us care enough about our own physique to do anything about it. We're comfy in our bodies. But I'm sure my heart is a little weakling...actually, I know it's a weakling because I jogged this morning and it was racing before I got to the neighbor's lawn. I think my heart and lungs kind of freaked out, after all, they've been slugging around for about a decade. But anyway, we have decided if one of us exercises, the other has too--because we'll work out for the other person. So Rhett is responsible for my bum and thighs, and I'm responsible for his gut. I think this might be more effective motivation.

But then again it is only day one. But I think I stink at running. I never run long enough for my legs to get tired, I always feel I have to stop for breath. So maybe it's a mental thing, where I'm thinking "I can't breathe, I can't breathe" maybe real runners are comfortable at that slow pace and are looking at the trees or thinking about what to make for dinner. So basically here's my cry for help: I want tips from everyone who runs. Obviously, I'm out of shape and probably have zero lung capacity. But I need help or advice if I'm going to keep this up, because it was really hard. I was so pathetic, I probably jogged 1/8 a mile and had to walk, ran 1/10 and walked, then wogged (half walk, half jogged) home, sputtering and spitting and my lungs were burning. Kids were riding their bikes to Jr. High this morning and I was thinking how glad I was to be done with Jr. High because I'd probably have a heart attack trying to run the FUN RUN.


Ryan + Jess said...

Oh, Jess you are hilarious.

I'm not a runner either, but I have run in a few 5k's (if that counts for anything!) My advice: start slow. Don't be discouraged! Just set small goals for yourself. Today I'll run 1 block, then walk 1 block. Next day, 2 blocks. You'll be surprised what you can do!

It does help to have someone else encouraging you along the way (husband!). I also like to listen to stories on NPR which distract me from my huffing and puffing. Or upbeat music is good, too.

Good luck!

John, Jess, Ellie, Cade, Eden & Scarlett said...

I don't know how to leave a link in a comment, so you'll just have to copy and paste, but here's a beginner training plan I found a few weeks ago:,7120,s6-380-381-386-9397-0,00.html

Unknown said...

I hate running so much. It's the only thing that I know of that gets me angry. I got angry over it when I was sixteen, and I've never gone back. Maybe try swimming. I started trying to do pilates, but I don't care at all. I'll do it two nights in a row and feel content to quit after that. I love you Jessica.

Natalie said...

You are awesome and hilarious, as usual! You should talk to Jayne--she has become quite the runner! My biggest tip is, ride your bike instead--easier on the knees!

Sheila said...

You are always good for a laugh. I don't run. If it ends up no good, you could try rowing or bike riding. Low impact.

jayne said...

I say just do what you love. If you hate running....don't. You'll just hate it worse. Unless you have a friend who is also beginning. That is fun. Everything is more fun with friends. And fast walking IS exercise. Find a friend, put RJ in his stroller, and go for a long walk. If you really want to run, then start slow. Walk 1 minute, run 30 seconds. Seriously. Running takes time to build up. You are hilarious. I wish I had your mental mind-frame....and that it was Shawn working on my butt and thighs instead of me taking on the load myself!!

melody said...

Running is as challenging mentally as physically, I think. (And I can't really say WHY I love it. Sometimes I really wonder! But I just do.) I like the advice above from others to start slow and ease into a pace and distance you feel good about.

One thing that makes running fun for me is to have races to work toward. If I know I have a 5k coming up, I will definitely get my running in that week. It's always more fun to run with others and when you get to eat yummy fruit and bread afterward, I say.

***** said...

I do love to run for a couple reasons...I am out of my workplace (the house). I get to listen to whatever I want as loud as I want without distractions. The rest of the goodness is bonus. If I don't have music in my ears I hate the sport. I cannot be able to hear my breath or my feet.

*Take a different route each day to change the scenery.
*Make a running folder in your itunes library and change it around every couple weeks. Find with songs that motivate you to keep a beat or get you hyper and happy. Like Jess, I download NPR. The shows I choose are- "Wait Wait Don't Tell Me", "The News From Lake Woebegone", "Stuff You Should Know" and "This I Believe". I only listen to those if I am on a serious roll or if it will be a long run. *Don't make expectations of yourself until you get out on the road and see how your body is feeling that day.
*Get some new sassy undies to make you feel super sporty and maybe some comfy socks to help you feel bouncier.
*Wear sunglasses so you can look at people without them knowing or so you can feel like no one can recognize you and your jiggly bum cheeks.
These are my tips. Good luck cousin.