Saturday, June 7, 2008

Nauvoo, Illinois

There was a church meeting 2 hours away in Nauvoo, Illinois for our stake. I rode with some friends. The meeting was pretty good, lunch was not so good. After, they were continuing on to the Nauvoo temple so RJ and I had some time to kill. We walked around, but it was hot so we stopped in a little grocery store called Ducks. This was taped to the door of the ice cream.
I guess all the tourist Mormon families visiting for the summer assume since they only have 6 kids they only need to buy half of the box of drumstick ice cream cones? I thought it was pretty funny. But sometimes I find really lame things funny. Also, how many times does this have to happen to warrant a sign on the door?


Natalie said...

I bet there are similar signs at other convenience stores around Mormon landmarks

Kassie said...

Ha/ha Seriously...