Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Speeding Ticket

"If a cop pulls you over for speeding and comes over and asks you how fast you were going, a good thing to say is 'I dunno, I was speeding the whole time.'" -Jack Handey-

Last weekend Rhett and I were going to Nauvoo to attend the temple and the Nauvoo Pageant. Our ability to attend was dependent upon my acceptance to drive the 100 miles so Rhett could study in the car. I loathe driving. But for the greater good I consented and about half way was greeted by flashing lights in my rear view mirror. I gasped, sucking in air. Rhett looked up thinking we were about to die from my reaction (my gasp followed by his panic is a common ritual when I'm in a car and is very frustrating for Rhett, or anyone really) and was comforted to realize it was only a cop about to issue a ticket rather than our demise. I pulled over, turned off the music, and rolled down my window trying to look as angelic as I could. The officer approached and asked if I knew why he was pulling me over, the typical conversation ensued and I was clocked at 15 mph over the limit. He took my license and registration back to his car as I realized my perfect driviing record was down the drain and the $100+ fine that could come of it made my cheap little heart sink. Rhett, in an attempt to comfort me, gently said "Well, Jess, maybe this will help you not speed from now on." Not helpful. The cop returned and gave me my license back, with no dreaded pink slip and I got off with a warning. THANK YOU OFFICER! And I can honestly report I learned my lesson to not speed between Kahoka and Alexandria.


The Gowdy Family said...

It always happens on the way to the temple! I got my one and only speeding ticket on the way to the DC temple when we lived in Virginia. Lucky you got off with just a warning though!

The Posse said...

WOO! I love those warnings! Pristine record saves the day!