Saturday, August 25, 2007

Coming Out of the Closet II


Rhett Foster Crapo

-brackets: anytime there is a decision to be made, a bracket saves the day. Any time we need to pick what movie to watch at home, an 8 man double elimination bracket is created on the floor. Each movie competes with another, the viewers take turns determining victor, until we have a final champion and no one can complain because the bracket method is perfection. Even with 6 kids this method works. Could this joy in bracketing have grown from years of wrestling tournaments?

-spreadsheets: any major decision requires a good spreadsheet. For example, where to live. Each potential new home is plotted sometimes including price/sq. foot. That way you can see the greater pros/cons in columns and rows. Why not know exactly where you stand in neuro-anatomy by creating a spreadsheet to plug in your scores? Greatest spreadsheet accomplishment: complex budget with accumulative debt calculations each month.

-music: drums & guitar mainly. Even as a little kid Rhett would write songs and remembers songs amazingly well. Just the other day I asked if he remembered the show "Charles in Charge" and he whipped out the whole thing. I asked what the deal was w/ Charles--was he a relative or a nanny? Rhett didn't know what the show was about, just the entire theme song.

-moisture w/ meals: a beverage must be served with any food. Rhett cannot eat without drink. We suspect possible salivary dysfunction because he cannot eat without swallowing fluid between each bite. That is what determines his satisfaction of restaurant service. Did they provide enough beverage to allow him to eat? Even cereal requires a beverage, favorite combo: lemonade w/ marshmallow mateys.

-Sci-fi : med-school has really allowed the sci-fi addiction to flare up. In order to study, something must be going on and Rhett's preference is to study with the TV on. The sci-fi channel is a favorite, hopefully more for mocking entertainment than anything else.

-Traveling: For being from a tiny town in the west desert of Utah, you wouldn't expect it, but Rhett has a passion for travel. He is the master planner and has a list of places he must go before he dies. So far his favorite excursion is Italy, due to personal experiences living there for a while. He'd rather live conservatively all year to save up for big trips, and it is wonderful to travel with him because he's made all the plans and has the travel book so all you have to do is point to something and ask: "what is that?" he flips to the page in his travel guide and tells you all about it, carries all the crap, takes the pictures, and does all the negotiating with the locals.

This is the only photo where Rhett isn't holding ALL of our stuff...notice my contribution of carrying the travel guide?


TerriLyn said...

I love this. I think I too have salivary dysfunction. David always makes fun of me for having to drink while I eat. :-)

Marcello said...

I miss you guys, I can't wait to see you again.
I was going to send you a postcard from turkey but I forgot to bring your address. I have a blank postcard here so if you want I can send it from Italy.
Un abbraccio

MissMolly said...

I'm glad I have got to participate in a few brackets of yours and also view some of your fabulous spreadsheets! You're great!