Friday, April 11, 2008

Office Is Back

We had a little get together with friends to watch The Office episode. For treats I made a jello mold in memory of Andy Bernard: "If I don't find out who put my calculator in jello...I'm going to loose my freaking mind!" My other treats were mimics of Angela's "A Nutcracker Christmas" themed star-on-a-stick rice crispy treats.

I dressed up as Phyllis Lapin, taking advantage of a 9-month-pregnant belly to be the largest woman on the show. Rhett of course was then Bob Vance, Vance Refrigeration and humored me with wearing the name tag I printed out for him.
This is me dancing as Phyllis, and yes it's not pretty. I forgot my oven-mit I was going to wear. And the hair just didn't turn out right.
We are glad the show is back on and just as hilarious as ever.


Lacey Guy said...

I LOVE it! You looked so great! And how creative to make the jello and Rice Crispy Treat wands. I wish we could have gone, but we watched it later that night. So funny!

Natalie said...

You Phyllis dance was OUTSTANDING--thanks for the fun!

TerriLyn said...

Real Hot Jess!

Elsie said...

Hey Babe, that is a great outfit you got on there, babe. Babe, I really like your post, babe.