Sunday, April 6, 2008

Big 27!

Rhett turned 27 yesterday. We didn't have anything amazing to do, but the weather was great, nice and warm for a change. We were able to go to lunch and a movie together. Good food, OK movie (Leatherheads I liked it, Rhett wasn't the biggest fan). Rhett wanted apple pie instead of cake, I got him The Office Season 2 on DVD, shown below. But the biggest delight was the webcam. He hooked it up and we were able to chat live with his family. Rhett even gave them a tour of our duplex thanks to wireless internet. The webcam is the new favorite toy and made the birthday.
We were sitting there and I mentioned how old 27 seems. Rhett replied: "Tell me about it. It's kind of depressing. I'm 27 years old, I'm six figures in debt, I'm unemployed with a kid on the way, and at least half a decade away from my career." I busted up laughing and agreed those statistics don't sound very successful...but in the right context, it isn't that bad...maybe it will make 37 seem that much better in 10 years. So despite the reality check, we had a great day celebrating Rhett's 27th birthday.

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