Thursday, September 6, 2007


Is it poor blog etiquette to post a tag chain entry when you weren't specifically tagged? If so, I apologize to Ashley and the shocked blog community....but I am posting anyway.

1. Who is your man? Rhett, actually not named after Gone With the Wind's Rhett Butler
2. How long have you been together? 3 years
3. How long dated?3 months till we were engaged. We were in love before we ever went on a date--the friendship barrier was hard to cross
4. How old is your man? 26
5. Who eats more? probably about the same...he definitely drinks more with meals
7. Who is taller? me...big obstacle for going beyond the friendship boundary. I couldn't imagine him digging as my dad put it, a "giant" but we were smitten with each other and it was actually very insignificant to both of us in the end, so we hung out as friends for months choking down butterflies instead of thinking the other person may not care about height differences.
8. Who sings better? Rhett
9. Who is smarter? I would say Rhett and he would say me...maybe we're even between certain subjects or his saying I am smarter proves his higher intelligence i.e. happy wife is a happy life
10. Who's temper is worse? mine absolutely. I can be quite wretched. Rhett has taught me a lot about self control. We've never had a fight, just disagreements with my heat being uprooted by his calm logic. I had developed such a talent for arguing as a it is not used as much and my acid tongue is slowly losing potency (for which I'm grateful)
11. Who does the laundry? both, Rhett did the majority of the laundry when we were both in school. The only mishap was he put my wool peacoat in the drier, but I luckily caught it before it was turned no shrinking, just mis-shapen from washing it.
12.Who takes out the garbage? Rhett
13. Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? Rhett I always sleep closest to the bathroom
14. Who pays the bills? Rhett
15. Who is better with the computer? Rhett
16. Who mows the lawn? me, see previous post "Our Lawn Mullet", unless Rhett is out of school
17. Who cooks dinner? me, but Rhett makes quite a few meals for himself the nights I work
18. Who drives when you are together? Rhett...I loathe driving
19. Who pays when you go out? Rhett, I lose recipts
20. Who is most stubborn? me usually, but it depends on the issue
21. Who is the first to admit when they are wrong? Rhett, I'm working on it
22. Whose parents do you see the most? about equal now
23. Who kissed who first? he kissed me and I botched it...not too surprising I'll never live that story down
24. Who asked who out? he pulled the date loop hole and asked me to go to a movie "with a group of friends" that turned out to be his best friend & his wife...our first handhold occurred that night and the romance pent up for months was confessed 25. Who proposed? Rhett
26. Who is more sensitive? depends on what you measure. I bawl at anything, but he definitely has more sympathy
27. Who has more friends? we both have few but very close friends
28. Who has more siblings? Rhett by 1
29. Who wears the pants in the family? We each have a leg in

1 comment:

Ashley said...

Phew! I'm so glad you continued the chain for me--now I can avoid the curse that comes from not perpetuating the madness. Although, now it rests on your shoulders. I just couldn't bear the thought of someone not fulfilling their tagging duties after I opened myself up to tagging them in the first place. :)