Saturday, April 9, 2011

RJ's Life

Here's a bunch of pictures of RJ these first few weeks since Ellaria has been born.  His life has changed quite a bit:

He found he could be very sneaky when mom is busy with the baby like grabbing a huge Costco muffin and chowing down eating-contest-style.

 I don't really remember what he's saying, but he looks serious. 

While my mom was here, she slept in RJ's twin bed and he slept in the crib.  I went to check on him one night and here he was sleeping like a caged animal or something.

One day I came to check on him as he was eating his lunch and he'd rubbed his milk all in his hair--thus the spikes, and put his shirt behind his neck.  Sitting like that made me think he was trying to model or something, baby Zoolander. 

Here's more of his faces:

A new favorite: Scary 

RJ and I made many forts the last week or so of my pregnancy.  He loved watching Incredibles under the kitchen table and I would try to get a quick nap like a beached whale under there with him. 

He has regressed in some areas, wanting to be the baby.  Like telling me Ellie's turn was over in the Bumbo and him jamming his bum in there too.  Or a few days ago he wanted me to put the binky in his mouth, telling me he's the baby.  So far not a big deal, I just tell him he can't trick me I know he's a big boy.  I've been glad he hasn't gone back with potty training, that was my biggest worry and I don't want to have crap in his pants again.

I think it's been a hard change for him in some areas to have a sister around and have to share my attention, but overall he's done well and he really does adore her. 

So hopefully they'll always be buds and he'll be a good big brother and look out for her. 


keegan said...

So sweet. And those muffin pictures are the best. Mostly because I've seen that face many a time on my own little monster when it comes to his food.

keegan said...

(By the way, this is Lindsey Bench. My husband thinks your kids are cute too, but he isn't creepy enough to leave a comment).

Ray said...
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Natalie said...

Had to delete my post cause I put it under Ray's name......
Great post! Love seeing those two kiddos together!

Sheila said...

Love all the pics. Good memories and fun seeing the new stuff. Love the little bracelet Natalie gave her.

Leslie said...

Jessica your baby is so beautiful! Congratulations! You are such an amazing mom, I love to look at your blog for inspiration :) I'm so happy for your little family!
love you,