Wednesday, April 6, 2011

3 weeks old

Ellaria is 3 weeks old now, and doing well at her 2 week check up she weighed 9 lb 1 oz, so she'd gained over a pound at two weeks.  She's a little chunk!

RJ is doing pretty good.  He really didn't deal with her being around until my mom left and it was just me, him and Ellie with Rhett working a lot this rotation.  More frequent tantrums, but overall not too bad.  He's a really good helper and just plays too rough sometimes.  He is always telling me I'm talking too loud and I'll wake Ellie, but I think he just wants me to shut up because he's bugged by me. 

My friend Natalie sent me this cute little baby bracelet for Ellaria, and I thought it was so cute.  I'd never thought about baby jewelry.

Miss Chunk 
(her dad bought her that "could I be any cuter" onesie the time he went overboard right after she was born)

I was surprised how well she sat in the Bumbo seat.  After a while, she got tired and her head started falling to one side, but she was in there for a few minutes holding her own.
With her perma-scowl.  Hopefully she'll grow out of the mean face. 

1 comment:

Sheila said...

Love ALL the pics! So cute! Makes me sad that I am missing all this in person. Sure do love and appreciate all the photos. She is getting SO big.