Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Fat Family

Rhett has mentioned a couple times how it would be great to be "the fat family".  You know, the family in the neighborhood where everyone is fat and we only wear sweats.

Hopefully that won't happen, and even though our wardrobes will never be that great, at least they will have something other than sweats, but here's some photos of our kids.
There's an app on Rhett's phone, I think it's called Fat Photo Booth, where it makes your face look fat.

I still need to get Rhett to email our shots to add the parents to complete the fat family. 
But for now, the fat kids.

And unrelated, but we recently watched Jared Hess's most recent film, Gentlemen Broncos which received awful reviews.  We finished it and thought it was also crap.  But we keep talking about it, so I think it's one of those movies that gets funnier the second time....if you have weird humor like us.
One of our favorite scenes:

1 comment:

Staci said...

gentlemen broncos is the best movie of alllllll time! We went and bought it..and it's definatly funnier the more you watch it!