Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Road Trip...unintentionally

Last Saturday, Lynette and I went to Salt Lake for our friend's baby shower.
We made her this: After, we saw this and LOVED it:
Then we drove to Tooele to our aunt's house. She gave us a car full of fabric which we were ecstatic about, you want to know more read HERE:
But after we loaded all our precious cargo, I made the poor decision to get home by driving south, thinking it would take about the same time, rather than going back to Salt Lake and using the interstate. As we were rambling on back roads, I saw a sign: Lehi 47 miles. What the crap? This was a lot farther than I thought. So it took twice as long to get home, but it was much more scenic and peaceful, but Lynette was late for work.

And we are excited about all the fabric we came home made all my chaos worth it.
See that pile of drapes my mom is folding? The first project out of that is done, if you care.

1 comment:

Staci said...

Oh steph would be so jealous of you right now w/ all that fabric. I can't wait to see what you create! I'm also jealous of those cute baby clothes...where did you get those, those are soooo cute!