Monday, March 28, 2011

Back to the Grind

 Today we got back to normal life.
My mom went home yesterday, and Rhett went back to work this morning, starting with clinic at 8am and going right to the ER to work until 10pm.
So the newborn vacation is over.
It was fun to have my mom with us and she's always so much help.  We eat really great food and have fun just hanging out.  I'm feeling pretty great compared to my recovery with RJ, so I feel physically up to doing everything on my own now.
So we'll see how I do with two kids solo now.  So far so good.  Having to up my multi-tasking skills, but I had a shower and we were all dressed at least by noon today. :)

I just hope RJ continues to be a good boy with Ellaria around.  My mom was so fun for him, playing with him all day long and I know he'll miss his fan club when it's just us again.

Ellie smiles a lot in her sleep, and a few times has chuckled.  It's really cute.

Ellaria had her first bath.  She is so quiet.  Her cry is really soft and more of a squawk.  So far she's just a chubby, sweet, little girl.


Sarah said...

Is that RJ in the tub with her? Is he wearing shorts? Funny boy.
What a beautiful girl - love the smiling!

Natalie said...

I am in love with her!!!

rebecca said...

So sweet :) I think it's great that you had everyone showered and dressed by 12;) Remember don't expect yourself to do alot! I always say give yourself at least 1 1/2 to 2 months to actually feel like you can do more! Take it easy!!!!! Your house doesn't have to be clean and you can just eat cereal for dinner :)