Sunday, March 30, 2008


I'm growing out of my maternity clothes. They just don't make some maternity tops long enough to cover my as I get closer to only fitting in muu muus, I felt cutting my hair might help. Not a huge dramatic change, but hopefully a little easier a couple inches shorter. Also, since my hair will all fall out after I have the baby, slightly less clean up.

Only 3 weeks to go, and we're really excited and can't wait. I'm not to the miserable point quite yet. I can coast these last weeks out, yet I wouldn't mind if he chose to come early either.

Did I mention only 9 more shifts of work?


Sarah said...

your new hair is super chic! You look great for being so pregnant!

Holly said...

jessica- LOVE the new hair cut! Can't wait to see pictures of your little one in a couple of weeks!

Jill said...

You look great jess! I can't believe you arent to the uncomfortable-can't-take-it-one-more-day phase...I get there about 35 weeks! good luck with the last few!

MissMolly said...

Your hair looks way cute babe!

Natalie said...

Super glam hair! You are a babe!

TerriLyn said...

Your hair looks great Jessica! I can't believe you only have three weeks left! I am so excited to see that little guy!