Friday, February 1, 2008

Spouse Tag

1. Where did you meet your husband?

At a church activity which was volley ball and a BBQ, we were on opposite teams, Rhett hates volleyball.

2. What was the first thing you said to your husband?

"You're in a band? We'll totally go to your shows and be your groupies." Click here for explanation
3. Where was your first date?

It was a date loop-hole. We had been really good friends and he invited me to go see Lord of the Rings: Return of the King with a "group of friends" which turned out to be his best friend, Travis and his wife...I think we may still owe them for the movie tickets. I kept putting out "please hold my hand vibes" throughout the movie, but nothing came of it. Rhett still holds I sat there and didn't put out any vibes, but later that night we held hands and I gushed about my crush on him.

4. Where was your first kiss?

An incomplete snow igloo in Rhett's front yard. That winter, 2003-2004 it snowed over 3 feet in Ogden and Rhett and his roommates were buidling an igloo. You pack down snow in a huge mound, it was at least 5 feet high, then chisel out a room inside. It was still Christmas break and we had recently crossed the difficult void of friendship into a romantic relationship and we'd spent the morning hacking away in this igloo. Rhett's full body was in the igloo and I was in the entrance tunnel. He would chisel away and shove the remnant ice/snow back to me and I would shove it out the door like moles or gophers. We were wet and cold, and before ending I went in to check out our progress. Igloos are quite cozy actually, and it was just big enough for us to basically lay right by eachother. Rhett was on his back and I was next to him on my stomach. We were chatting and there was a pause and he smiled at me and went for it. I saw his head and shoulders approaching, and put my head down, nestling into his shoulder. All the sudden his shoulders went rigid and he quietly asked: "No?" In my head sirens were going off. THAT WAS A KISS ATTEMPT YOU IDIOT!! WHO WOULD GO FOR A HUG WHEN YOUR FACES WERE RIGHT NEXT TO EACH OTHER SQUISHED IN ONE OF THE NICER IGLOOS!! I gasped and pulled back and apologized, rambling on and on about how sorry I was I ruined the romantic set up and how dumb I felt. He just lauged and was glad I was just stupid rather than rejecting him. Later he did kiss me, but kindof grabbed my head so I knew it wasn't meant to be a hug. Thanks for more warning bud.

So pretty much one of the most romantic first kisses you've heard? I'm just waiting to see it reinacted in a survivor film set in the Arctic that surprises the audience by ending up a romantic comedy.

5. Did you have a long/short engagement/courtship? Compared to society as a whole, super short, compared to our LDS religious culture, I would say on the long side of average. We met and became best friends in August 2003, began dating January 3, 2004, were engaged March 20, 2004, and married June 16, 2004. I was 19 and Rhett was 23.


6.Where did you get engaged? There are three different accounts. On the record we say in a gazebo that made for a really romantic night...if you want the previous two you'll have to ask in person
7. Where did you get married? Mt. Timpanogos Temple--it was sweet. No reception, just get the check from Dad and run away on our honeymoon!

Hmmm, I'll tag Natalie, Katherine, Rachel, Ashley, Jayne


Katherine said...

I LOVED reading this! Very cute stories. I think the igloo story is VERY romantic! I can't wait to see the movie.

Kassie said...

FUNNY!! and Super duper Sweet!

Kassie said...

Are you giving birth NATURALLY? (I noticed the book you reading) You go girl!

TerriLyn said...

I loved reading this too! It's so fun to hear other couples stories of how they began.