Sunday, August 8, 2010

What We've Been Up To

work. and more work.  occasionally eat and sleep. went fishing once.
He's finished Internal Medicine and is currently in OB.  Both are the most time intense, maxing out the 80 hour limit almost every week.  He likes OB, and has delivered between 10-15 babies, I can't remember exactly, and one of the OBs lets the residents be primary surgeon on c-sections, (not sure how many Rhett's been primary vs. assistant on) and he's done 2 tubal ligations as the primary surgeon.  It's kind of weird to think of him as an actual doctor for me.  He's just Rhett to me, and it surprises me when he tells me all these things he's doing. 

playing outside a lot.  The turkey was picking my stalks of corn I'm trying to grow for a while, but enough time outs cured that bad habit.  Speaking of time outs, nose in the corner had proved ineffective for some time.  I'd give him the warning, and he'd dance over to the corner and say: "" counting for himself, all with major attitude.  So now his timeouts are in dark closets.  They seem a little more unappealing to him, but even then I'll open the closet door and he's sitting there and looks up at me like: "oh there you are.  where's my drink?"
So he's also really fun.  It's the best or worst depending on his mood.  He's really funny and loving or a total punk in the closet.  Yes, he's 2.
Me/ Jessica:
I had planned to have some major freak outs transitioning into "single mom" mode.  I get a lot of help from Rhett, so I knew once he was working so much it might be hard.  But I think I set such low expectations for myself, it's not been bad at all.  I stay busy with all my projects, the latest building the bookshelf for RJ's room.  So I have a lot to do that I enjoy, and being a stay at home mom is always fun and fulfilling (usually) for me and so I'm really happy actually.   It's weird because I planned on being depressed and hating my life, but so far, even with hard rotations, residency has been great for me. Shocker.  We'll see if it stays that way once winter hits and we can't play outside as much and I'm more cooped up with a toddler. 
But for now it's good.  I got a calling at church to teach the 11 year olds in primary and also be the achievement days person for the girls 8-12.  It's just 2 activities a month, but gag for me...I don't know, maybe I'll like it.

Can I vent and say how much I hate "singing time" in Primary?
I've hated singing time in Primary my entire life.  I remember being really tiny, on the tiny chairs, looking up at my mom who was the singing lady in Primary, just hating it.  Out of the 3 hours of church, singing time was the worst.  I liked the lessons, "sharing time" or something, but the 15-20 minutes of singing time I hated the 9 years I endured it as a kid, and now as an adult I hate it too.  The worst is every fall for a few weeks there's no lesson, and just singing for 40 stinking minutes to get ready for the Primary Program.  I think I may be sick the month of September.

Just singing songs for so long.  I feel like a 4 year old just staring at the clock waiting for the minutes to turn at snail pace, but I'm an old lady on a big chair at the back now and it still gags me.  I don't know if I hate the songs, or I just hate singing.  But the combo in church, singing with the kids, and the primary songs is awful to me.

Is that weird?


Ryan + Jess said...

Ok, I have always loved those kind of bookcases and really want one for my kid's room. Did you have something to help you or did you just completely make it up? I LOVE it!!

And I'm glad you are surviving this time better than planned. It's all about staying busy!

The Wilkins' said...

Jess, you are hilarious! Funny that you hate singing time. Trever feels the same way. I always liked it - and still do. :)

That's great that you are doing well with the residency life! You need to rub off on me :) I'm sure it's just my attitude.

I think you would be a great activity days leader! You have such fun ideas for projects!

Natalie said...

I think RJ's new time out spot should be on top of the fridge.....

Unknown said...

I hate singing time too. In fact, I just hate primary.