Tuesday, April 20, 2010


The sellers accepted our offer on this house and it is under contract.
We have never purchased a house before.
I've always been envious of those that own homes as opposed to renting shacks, which is what we've done our whole marriage other than the last two years, where we've lived with my parents.
What's worse, renting a shack or living with parents--for me the shacks/ ghetto was worse.

So I'd always looked forward to the day when I could purchase a home, paint the walls whatever I wanted, and on and on.

But what a stressful process.  Rhett and I found we have very different priorities in what we prefer in a home.  Most issues we're on the same page, but little ones, like the fact I love wood floors and Rhett hates them became a pain to negotiate.  I pointed out that most luxury home decor magazines are photographed on hardwood floors.
He pointed out that living in Italy for 2 years where there isn't carpet anywhere, you realize how cozy carpet is.
So this house has both hardwood floors and cozy carpet.

Anyway, we're excited we finally found a house we both agree on and moving on.
There are more little fix-it-up projects (mainly paint) for this house other than getting rid of the bright green trim on the outside.  What were they thinking? So I'm sure we'll have some before and afters in the months to come.

Some projects I may not be able to justify, like the fact I want to make canvas sails to shade the back patio.  Have you seen these?
I would have mine removable so you could take them down for the winter.
There are posts already around the back patio, so it could be possible.


melody said...

That is totally exciting. It really is so fun to own a home and fix it the way you want it. Good luck with the rest of the process - it certainly can be exhausting.

melody said...

P.S. I remember you saying you were interested in my Mom's book. You can actually buy one online if you'd like. (We were discussing the orange one.) Here is the link:


Ryan + Jess said...

Oohh you are homeowners! yahoo!

And I love the canvas sails. Those are cool!

Natalie said...

CONGRATULATIONS! I can't wait for all the updates about the house projects! YAHOO YAHOO YAHOO!

Natalie said...

I need your new address so I can connect you with a couple friends we have in Pocatello