Monday, October 19, 2009

Good Weekend

The weather was so nice this past weekend! We had a lot of fun:
1. I went to Odyssey Dance Theatre's Production of THRILLER. It's a great show, except for the in-between/ comical relief/ kill time/ crap.
2. Let our nephew who is 14 drive us around the back roads of Delta, and changed his life...probably not really, but he loved it.
3. Went to Rhett's grandparent's farm to see the animals. The pigs were gone, but they still have cattle and a few horses. The highlight was the new baby colt and feeding the horses!

4. We saw WHERE THE WILD THINGS ARE! I loved it. Rhett hated it. I guess I related to wanting to run around screaming, jumping, sleeping in a big pile, and bossing everyone around a little more than Rhett did. It was great except that they changed all the wild things names. It's MOISHE not Carol.
5. After the movie, Rhett bought me a York Peppermint Pattie from The Quality grocery store to satisfy my craving. It was really good, except I couldn't enjoy it as much with my punk nephews saying: "Gross! Dark chocolate! That is disgusting!"
6. Finished off the weekend with bowls of Count Chocula. The kids hadn't had it before. They were a little interested in Franken Berry, but we steered them in the right direction. Dwight Schrute: The problem, Jim, is that people who are really suffering from a medical condition won't receive the care they need because someone in this office is coming up with ridiculous stuff. Count Choculitis.
Jim Halpert: Sounds Tough.
Dwight Schrute: Why did you write that down, Jim? Is it because you know I love Count Chocula?


Natalie said...

I'm so jealous you saw Thriller!!

***** said...

Sounds like a blast. I LOVE Dwight/Jim convos. Thanks for the chuckle.

The Kolste Family said...

So, this is a little late, but I feel like I need to let you know I stalk your blog! Obviously not often enough because I missed your little contest. I feel like I still needed to let you know though since I told your husband at our high scool reunion that I knew he was in med school because I stalk his wife's blog. I just linked onto it one day from someone else's blog and you are so darn funny, I have to check back occasionally for funny stories! Anyway...I feel like a real stalker now since I didn't come out from hiding. I even saw you at the reunion and thought "there's that funny girl I wish I was friends with!" That moves me into the creepy stalker category! you know. One more wierdo looking at your blog!
ps..all of your craft projects are awfully cute!