Saturday, January 24, 2009

Christmas '94

This past Christmas was my first as a parent. We celebrated with Rhett's family. The expensive electronics i.e. touch cell phones, i-pods, DS's, etc. our nieces and nephews received for Christmas reminded me of my 4th grade Christmas.

December 1994 I only had one thing on my mind for Christmas. I remember laying up-side-down in a wing back chair one Sunday afternoon lamenting to my mom:
"If I don't get a walk-man for Christmas I will DIE!!"

My mom was mad and quickly told me "If a piece of metal and plastic is worth your life, you'd better re-evaluate things. I don't think you should have a walk-man if you are so obsessed with it."

I remember flipping my legs forward off the back of the chair, somersaulting to the ground.

"Are you serious?" I said, my voice trembling..."you won't get me a... walk-man?" (Santa was blown for me before kindergarten)

Mom: "I don't know, you better start getting your act together."

I don't know if my behavior or priorities changed between that Sunday and Christmas morning, but the photo shows my emotions of pure joy to be holding my own walk-man, and relief my life was spared....thanks mom.
Many recesses after that moment were spent listening to my Ace of Base:the sign & Amy Grant: Heart in Motion tapes. I of course had to wear a hat or hood to hide the huge headphones from the recess monitors.

So this year as I saw the kids enjoying their DS tournaments, texting, or watching youtube on their touch i-pods, I could relate to their "electronic passions" but realized my walk-man was probably $20 and those touch i-pods are around $300, so if my kids also have an electronic they want and feel they may die if they don't receive it on Christmas, I'll just have them pick out their coffin beforehand.


Natalie said...

Seriously. $$$$

jayne said...

Um, I'm still stuck on Ace of Base. Since they were popular my freshman year of college and you were still in elementary school. man, I'm old.

Journey to Mia Lynn: said...

AMEN sister...Oh & I had the walkman too & HAD to have it! Ugh. How our priorities change, huh? What is it they say about hindsight? 20/20, right? SO TRUE! Jen P.

Kassie said...

HA HA LOL Nancy and are are laughing hard.

Katherine said...

Ha ha!! I saw the sign and I opened up my eyes I saw the sign.

I'm going to have that song stuck in my head all day!

Katherine said...

oh yeah and ...

"ALL THAT SHE WANTS IS ANOTHER BABY! She's gone tomorrow boy."