Lynette started laughing and I asked for a refresher on that story. Here is the best I can remember it in my dad's words:
"I was about 15 years old and I gave Jimmy Burl a dime and told him to go to the pool and get me a green snow-cone. [How old was Jimmy?] Jimmy was 7 or 8 and he did what I told him. So 15 minutes later, Jimmy comes back and he's crying and NO SNOW-CONE! I asked him where the snow-cone was and he told me some kid stole it from him. So I told him to come with me and we went back to the pool.
We got there and I told Jimmy to find me the kid that ate my snow-cone...and it was Skipper Lee. So we went over to Skipper with green juice on his lips and I said: "Hey! Do you remember this kid?"
I said: "Why did you eat my snow-cone?"
He said: "I didn't know it was yours."
Scott: "Well you owe me a green snow-cone!"
Skipper: "Urrhhhh, I don't have any money."
That's when I decked him in the face. [How old was Skipper?] My same age, 15. [Did anyone try to break up the fight?] We were outside the pool at the counter and it wasn't a fight, it was a beating. I sure got my 10 cents out of that loser, but what made me really mad was that was my last dime and I really wanted a green snow-cone."
It was really exciting for me to see Jimmy at the funeral. Here he is with my dad, I should have asked him if he remembered the green snow-cone ordeal. My dad did tell me Jimmy was the toughest 8-year-old he's seen, but he couldn't take on a punk 7 years older than him, so Scott had to go get his snow-cone revenge.
love you Dad!