Tuesday, September 16, 2008

What Kind of Doctor Is He Going To Be?

Throughout the med-school process this question comes up a lot. Whether your family has this decision to make in the next few years, or if you are wondering why certain physicians have similar personalities, this diagram may help. I thought it was pretty funny...and on some points quite accurate.


Kassie said...


Rebecca S said...

That is so funny - that puts Israel potentially as crazy with a non-existant attention span.

Jayci said...

Hey - Um, this is Jayci - Rhett's cousin. I love that diagram! It's so funny!

Sarah said...

that is very accurate... especially surgeons! :)
what is your hubby going to be. NO OBGYNs on there....

~Sarah said...

That's pretty funny, and true! How are things going? Missed you and Jess at the BBQ. Hope things are going alright. We'll have to meet up next time I'm in town.