Sunday, September 28, 2008

Leech or Indentured Servant

Leech: pitiful organism that depends on another, usually more advanced organism for its support and or survival

Indentured Servant: is a form of debt bondage worker. The laborer is under contract of an employer for some period of time, usually three to seven years, in exchange for their transportation, food, drink, clothing, lodging and other necessities.

We moved back this summer...back into my parent's home. This was the original plan: My parents were moving three hours south in August 08 and hadn't sold their home. They didn't expect things in the real estate market to improve any time soon and asked us to house-sit and live in, and take care of their home the two years we would be there. [Rhett is starting his clinical years of med school so we will be in UT for the next two years] We of course jumped at the idea of being the caretakers of my parents house.

Things haven't gone as my parent's planned and we found ourselves moving back to Utah, and into their house. We're very grateful for my parent's generous offer that stood despite their plans to move not working out as soon as planned.

But I am always worried about being a leech, mooch, free loader, etc. So I try to help out as much as I can around the house and in the garden (September is harvest time) to hopefully move our presence in my parent's home from the leech category into the indentured servant arena.

My Dad stated early on that from me he wanted: "to come home every night to dinner with a place-mat, garnish, and iced beverage". So with that slightly joking, mostly serious announcement, and my Mom going back to work, I've been cooking a lot lately. I've really liked it and have had a chance to try lots of recipes I've been collecting. I think sometimes my Mom feels bad like she should be doing everything as if these leeches living in her house should be treated like guests so we battle about who does the dishes often but overall we co-exist harmoniously.

Anyway, yes we live with my parents. We are so grateful for them. And we aspire to be as anti-leechy as we can...but we are here, our leech slime trailing through their house in the form of a box of baby toys in a corner, a drum set in the basement, and foreign loner socks popping up in the laundry. I guess an image of a slimy worm wearing the colonial clothes would be the best depiction of my life.


Kassie said...

There is no way someone who works as hard as you, is as happy and funny as you, has as adorable baby as you, always is improving as much as you, cooks as much as you--could be a leech or indentured servant. I'm positive they LOVE to have you there, and if not, they're offense to your family.

Jill said...

Sadly, I know exactly how you feel right now because we are living with scotts parents. Luckily I have the inlaws everyone would want, so it has actually been great. My mother in law doesn't cook so she has LOVED coming home from work everyday to a hot meal...and she pays for all my groceries so the cooking world is my oyster! good luck with everything, I am sure your parents love having their cute litte RJ there any way.
oh, and your raspberry recipes look AMAZING...and I have to agree that there is no food for divine. keep those recipes coming!

Journey to Mia Lynn: said...

I am sure you are neither & although I am sure too that sometimes quarters feel close & everyone needs a little space or a little quiet time or privacy that overall everyone is loving the arangement. Soon enough you, Rhett & R.J. will be on the move again. You all need to enjoy this time & I know that you are & will! Jen P.