Saturday, November 6, 2010

Week in Delta and Halloween

Rhett had a week of vacation scheduled, and we went to visit his family in Delta.  The boys went on the deer hunt and no one caught anything.
RJ had fun playing with cousin Drew.  They hunted bugs and rocks in Grandpa's rock junk yard, fed the chickens and the bunny.  RJ calls everything black Halloween, so the black chickens were "Halloween chickens" and the black bunny was the "Halloween bunny". 
For Halloween this year, I made RJ an ewok costume.
I think most people thought he was a bear, but a few people knew he was from Star Wars and liked it.
It was also nice and warm for trick or treating.

 I had to wake him up from a nap to go trick or treating, and he was sad and mopey.  I asked him to smile for a picture and this is what I got:
He ran around to see himself on the camera, and saw the above photo and busted up laughing saying: "RJ sad!"
Then I got this one of him laughing at his sad self.
Weird sense of humor...wonder where he could have got that. 

We went trick or treating with the cousins, princess and butterfly.  I didn't get any photos of all 3 kids looking up because Hannah and RJ kept looking at their candy.
Our little fam on Halloween. 
RJ got quite a bit of candy, and we let him run around all night once we got home eating it and helping himself to the cooler of homemade rootbeer.  He also watched Charlie Brown's The Great Pumpkin, which he loves.
Finally I took the pumpkin of candy away at 9:30 and he quickly had a sugar crash, still holding his "pumpkin patch" balloon. 
He picked out these jammies from Costco, not because he especially likes dogs, but I found out later because the little dog heads on the feet, which he puts on people to "bite" them.  It's pretty funny...maybe it shouldn't be funny since that's kind of a bully action.  And he is kind of a bully.  His little cousin Drew (age 5) told me RJ beat him up 3 times in one night, putting him in a headlock and squashing his face in the bed.  Hopefully we can steer his passion for wrestling and playing rough into being a productive athlete or something because he's on his way to becoming a Scott Farkus...minus the coon hat so far.
Hopefully a little sister might soften him up, or she'll also become good at headlocks and choke holds.


Staci said...

he is so cool. Totally my fav. costume this year! I love this lil guy bully or not still so sweet. Ya good luck w/ that bully lil sister thing, didn't work for Miles.

Sheila said...

What a great laugh I had. Tears and everything. Best way to start the day. I had a hard time imagining RJ Farkus without the cool hat. Hopefully he won't have the explitives to go with it. He,he, he

jayne said...

She'll just get really good at headlocks and choke holds. I only know from experience in my household.....