Friday, August 7, 2009

Summer Update

Rhett is continuing on through his last year of med school. Really busy and starting applications for residency. Everyone asks which specialty he's going into, including me. Last time we discussed it he said: "Jess, my decision isn't final until I click "SUBMIT" on the application." He has narrowed it to three choices so that is progress. I've made a guess at which of the three it will be and so we'll see if I'm right when he chooses to click submit. He finished a rotation in Newborn ICU and is currently in a family practice rotation.

Me. Jessica. The mom. Nothing too new. I've been sewing a lot and that has been fun for me. Harvest season is starting and we'll be canning/freezing beans, corn, raspberries, making jam, applesauce and everything. Harvest is a busy time of year so that will probably be the majority of the activities going on soon. I'm thinking of starting a little Kelly Farmer's Market for when we get sick of a certain produce item and want to sell the my mom and I don't have to can it. Also enjoying summer with the little boy. He is not a baby anymore. He turned 12 months and sprinted right into the Terrible Two stage. I'm hoping it will end sooner since he started it sooner. He's been such the perfect baby, but now he is challenging and I've never felt so stupid, inadequate, overwhelmed, and impatient, which I guess is what being a mom is all about and I'm hoping to get in a groove soon with the new behavioral challenges. He's still cute though.

RJ. Loves to run around and rough-house. Learning lots of new words and signs. A little independent, stubborn personality erupted. He knows what he wants, but needs to learn how to communicate it. He loves games and playing. He's a smart little guy and loves to give really tight hugs around your neck. His favorite food is pasta. We love him.


The Wilkins' said...

So I want to know what the 3 specialty choices are! You are so lucky to have so much produce you don't know what to do with it! In AZ it isn't quite like that :) "Harvest season" sounds so fun! Almost daily I have to tell myself about Liberty, "It's a good thing she's cute!" Gotta love the terrible two's. Only problem is, a lot of people say 3 is worse! AH!

Jessica the Jacked LDS said...

oh my gosh...MINE TOO. what is it about going from a baby to a TODDLER? he's a mad man. he screams 24/7. don't even THINK about trying church. i sit in the hall all three hours. it's madness. i think i'm gonna start an LDS church for moms with babies under the age of three. you can come if you want.