Thursday, March 12, 2009


My dad cleaned out his closet and found this gem. Rhett and I have been laughing at it for a couple days. I'm pretty sure it was taken in Missouri for a family reunion. I think in 1994 when I was 10 years old.

Rhett's favorite part are my ape arms: "They look like they're the same length as mine but on a little girl body. " Laugh it up chuckles.

I can't believe how out of proportion I am. I was teased as a kid with the nick name "Daddy Long Legs" and now I get it. It looks like toothpick extremities poked in a mini marshmallow torso. Also, at this stage I really loved the "feather bangs" that were so great. Piled high and hair sprayed stiff. Unfortunately for me, they were cut feathered but spent months matted to my forehead as shown here. I'd like to think I combed them, but I can't be sure. As you can see a belt was an absolute necessity to keep these shorts on my bum. I guess the idea was bigger sizes would have longer inseams, but I don't think that really ever looks like I was trying to create the "hoop skirt shorts" ballooning out, only making contact with my body at the belt. And yes, my pants are on my real waist. But on me it looks like they are in my armpits. I think my expression just sums up the whole ensemble.

I am the female, white version of Steve Urkel...glasses came later. I opted for a belt over suspenders.


Nate and Heidi said...

This is Heidi- Holly's sister. That is the funniest pic! I have to say your arms are the best part? How did we survive the 80's?

Natalie said...

HILARIOUS!!!! I think you were a stunner!

Staci said...

hahaha you were so cute though...and those long legs came in handy when you became a dancer ;)

~Sarah said...

I love the photo - and the added comments you had about yourself! Super cute!

Marianne said...

HA HA HA HA I love the picture. Most of all, I loved the descriptions. I always laugh out loud when I read your posts :)