Friday, March 4, 2011

2 Week Countdown

What we've been up to:

Reading James and the Giant Peach with RJ.
Rhett just finished another OB rotation and starts ER next week.  ER should be nice, shift work with pretty dependable hours.  He's recently taken up tying flies.  Apparently he was into fly fishing a lot before we met, and the hobby was recently rekindled, which is good because for a long time he didn't seem to have any time for hobbies.  His drums are still boxed up in the garage.

RJ decided to jam all his play-dough in his shoe, which was fun for mom to clean out.

He found my glasses and thought he was hilarious. 

One morning I came down from taking a shower and found him in the kitchen with the blankets off my bed.  I asked him what he was doing, and he said: "just having a nakie snack."
Just to clarify, we usually don't have "nakie snacks" at our house. 

Here I am at 37 weeks.  I'm feeling a lot better this last month with Ellaria than I did my last month with RJ.  I actually have quite a bit of energy--the last month with RJ I felt like a huge exhausted hippo.   My belly doesn't seem as huge to me, so I hope she'll be a little peanut rather than another 9 lb+ rhino.   

Sometimes I think RJ is excited to have a baby around, but other times I expect total disaster when she comes home to dethrone him. 


Natalie said...

Love the updates-- you look great!!!

Ryan + Jess said...

Oh you are getting so close!! I can't wait.

Love the playdough in the shoe. Playdough always seems like such a good idea...and then I make it and remember how crazy kids get with it! Ah well.

Jill said...

You look awesome Jess!! thanks for picture :)

I can't wait to see the little sweet heart!!

Unknown said...

Love the pic with RJ and the belly. Sooo cute!
Can't wait to see the real life belly to see if you're having a rhino or mouse. He he