Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Idaho...Where Everybody Knows Your Name

....or at least knows how to pronounce it correctly thanks to this dude:
Senator Mike Crapo.
You can imagine how we get a lot of crap about the mispronunciation of our last name [pun intended], so thanks to Senator Crapo's political career, the residents of Idaho are familiar with the pronunciation of
(cray-poe) and it is so refreshing.

There are a lot of things you dread when you have a major move:
-learning where everything is in your new town
-not knowing a single soul other than your spouse/ kids
-setting up utilities and all of that
-the awkward "get to know you" chat when you do meet people

and for us, the usual months of correcting people on how to say our name. 

The last area many people still couldn't get it.  Mainly at church when they read it over the pulpit and everyone looks around at us to see what we do...and we've been there for 2 years.

Anyway, we are really liking the spud state.  Very friendly and not too different climate from home.
And everyone says our name correctly, but then they ask if we're related to the senator--we probably are somehow distantly but have no clue where.

Rhett just started orientation for his program, so real life is starting to settle in and I'll have to get used to not having him home all day long.
We'll sure miss him not being there all day.

In the mean time we've pretty much settled in and everything is unpacked.
It has been project mayhem this whole month of June.
We closed on our house June 1 and began that night painting everything.
We painted almost every wall in the whole house except the bathrooms and hallway.  I painted the kitchen cabinets, all the doors/ stair railings, and some trim.

My mom came up for a few days and while she was here got our garden started, so hopefully I won't botch it something will grow.
Anyway, we're doing well and enjoying our new home.

A fortunate discovery upon moving in was the fact we live on "kid corner" and our little street is full of kids under 5.  One house on the corner is the hang out and they all ride bikes and run around the street.
Luckily very few cars come down our little corner, I don't know if it's just not convenient or drivers avoid "kid corner" on purpose.  But great for us having a young kid with buddies to play with and cool mom's that are also chilling with no make up on the corner chatting.  I think we'll fit in here.

So if anyone's ever heading to Yellowstone or has any other reason to visit eastern Idaho, come visit, we are really close to the interstate if you want to stop in for dinner or just need to use the restroom!


Erin said...

So glad to hear things are going well for you in Idaho! Guess who's going to Yellowstone in July- yours truly. So we will definitely meet up then.

Shari and Trent said...

I love your re-modeling stuff. I have been working on a few things myself, but you are inspiring me even more!

Jill said...

Hey this is Jill from KCMO (a year ahead of you), you probably have no idea who I am. That is ok that because I have to say I completely and uterly hate you. Your gorgeous, funny, sew ridiculously well, decorate ridiculously well, and so on. It is so annoying when people are too perfect like that, but alas I keep peeking in on your blogs to see what adorable thing you are making, or hillarous thing you are saying. Jealousy aside I am glad you like your new home, and I love your new do :)